The baseball manager Yogi Berra once said that you should “be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there.” Like many “yogi-isms,” if you stop and think about that statement, it’s not as nonsensical as it seems. Many times, we really do go through life without knowing where we are going and end up nowhere.
It Is in moments like those that we could all use a coach, someone to help us reorient ourselves, remember where we are going, and get back to the hard work of reaching our faith and life goals.
VIEW THE PHOTO GALLERY below for wise quotes from six Catholic coaches who can help you find your sense of direction again.
Follow these links for more information about the six coaches:
- Coach K’s website
- Dominique Dawes Gymnastics Academy
- Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center
- Jose Mourinho’s Instagram Account
- Rebecca Dussault’s website
- The Pro Football Hall of Fame’s Don Shula page